Proposal Submission

Name of Project: Onshore OCEAN

Which category best describes your project? Pick one.

Build / improve applications or integrations to Ocean

Which Fundamental Metric best describes your project? Pick one.

Market WAU (Weekly market participants in Ocean Market or across all data markets)

Proposal in one sentence:

Decentralized Kaggle for Data Scientists, Analysts, and Engineers.

Description of the project and what problem is it solving:

Worked examples and tutorial series are useful tools for onboarding new data scientists, who need guided learning rather than simply reading documentation.

We propose a Kaggle-like approach for getting data scientists to use Ocean.


Round 7:

The previous proposal focused on writing Medium articles, developing a landing page for the platform and building proof-of-concept Jupyter Notebooks for exploratory data analysis (EDA) and training simple deep learning models using Ocean protocol.


Going forward, we will self host tutorials, so as not to rely on third party platforms and paywalls.

Our long term roadmap focuses on three pillars and highlighting the unique selling points of the ocean protocol.

The Jupyter Notebooks provide a frictionless onboarding experience into Ocean.

In the future (as we gather metrics and feedback), this will be expanded to interactive Jupyter Notebook micro-courses, and finally a comprehensive data science platform built on Ocean.